about us

CBT2GO offer an easy, secrure and mulitlanguage way to online psychotherapy, counseling and coaching. Right now we provide 3 languages: german, english and hungarian

Outher languages will follow soon!

Our sessions are online, so you can take them from any place of the world.

A simple booking tool will be available soon. You can book one or more appointments online and pay immediately the service you´d like to book. You will receive an email with a link to your online appointment and your invoice.

If you have a booking code from your company, please enter it in the payment section. No fee will be charged.


Rafael Rabenstein, MSc, MBA 

Psychotherapist – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

certificated and registered by the austrian ministery of health


Austria – Vienna

  • private practice (since 2006)
  • single and group treatment
  • supervision
  • head of the center for psychotherapy and CBT training at the University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria

education and training:

  • Master of Business Administration – Health Management (2016),
  • Master of Science – Psychotherapy (2010),
  • Psychotherapy – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (2004-2008),
    Austrian Association for Behavioral Therapy – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie